Cavenaghi Will Be Fit For Preseason Trip To USA

Some weeks ago it was believed that Fernando Cavenaghi was going to miss out from his clubs’ pre-season trip to United States as the captain of River Plate had to undergo a surgery process in order to solve the physical condition he sustained in the past campaign but it has now been revealed that the Argentinean attacker has agreed on taking up a different medical procedure that will allow him to travel to Miami with his teammates.

The medic of River Plate, Pedro Hansing revealed some details concerning the condition of Pedro Cavenaghi:

‘’When the time arrives and we have to travel to USA, Cavenaghi will remain here and undergo his scheduled procedure. Cavenaghi had a tough season as he picked up an injury that could not be resolved and with his decision to continue playing despite his ongoing problems has now taken a toll on the veteran forward who has to settle his knee problem through a conservative treatment that is going to improve his toe that recently got inflated’’.

The purpose of this procedure is to reduce the effects of his injury and to increase the speed of his recovery before the upcoming season starts. A needle will be inserted to the damaged tissue of his toe in a process similar to acupuncture and this method is fairly more conservative which will allow him to travel along with the teammates of his club and their trip to United States is a viable option although he is not expected to play.

Bursitis is a physical condition which is commonly caused by repetitive and minor impacts on a specific area of the human body and this injury can take longer to recover from depending on the age of the person affected by it as well as overuse of the joint which is the case of Fernando Cavenaghi as he decided to continue playing with River Plate during the past season even though the Argentinean attacker had already started suffering from this problem.